Though invisible to the naked eye, the world is filled with unseen vibrations and frequencies.

There's A Systems Engineer in Everyone

Analyzing the Present to Prepare for the Future

Decentralized Network

By using a peer-to-peer architecture, the network eliminates the need for central servers

Comprehensive Services

The network supports various services such as a financial exchange, social media, web servers, email, and text messaging,

Independence from Traditional Infrastructure

The network operates without reliance on cellular networks or internet connections,

Blockchain Based User Information & Data Server

Keep your data secure and available even if your internet connection is severed.

A few things SIRIUS OS is great at

SIRIUS OS at its core is built as a sensor integration platform. However we took it a few steps further. We have added all the basic software that any PC user needs web browser, office suite, multimedia players, etc. We also included a suite of applications that we feel the American public needs. The functionality of these applications give the average user the ability to do things like store data across the SIRIUS Ecosystem via private encrypted blockchain or create their own private blockchain. Maybe you want to monitor air traffic like planes and drones, you can do it. Suppose you want to create a private LTE  or LORA network for your family or IoT systems to utilize, done. Perhaps you want to use a chatGPT like AI but locally and completely private to you, no problem.


The sensors we connect to are drones, smart home devices, security systems, weather stations and smart watches. We can work with hardware from over 100 vendors.



Our SIRIUS OS comes with a TAK server (Team Awareness Kit) and all data fom the OS and its systems is able to be streamed via our plugins to WebTAK, ATAK (Android) or ITAK (IOS) phones.



Our streamlining of multi-spectral communications allows users to command and control their systems over WIFI, LORA, SATCOM, and LTE networks.



We have included a private LLM to give users a private chatGPT like functionality. However we are also including visual based AI models for threat and object detection for any camera connected. We also include AI enhancements to monitor system and network integrity.


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NEXUSLink and SIRIUS OS are more than just technological innovations; they represent a new era of communication — one that’s decentralized, resilient, and user-centric. Join us as we build the future of communication, and embark on a journey of discovery, innovation, and connection.


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